countdown 7 days & 6 days

I have 7 days left until I'm finished with this year - I think I'd be in the middle of my finance final right now (bless me). Then it's 6 more days until I leave for London and I have much to do between next Friday and my flight - pack, tan, read, plan design projects, buy some stuff, PACK.

I always have big goals for the summer but I never get around to it. Hopefully the new environment will be stimulating enough - the big plan is to finish new design projects that I can put on my portfolio. I don't want my portfolio only to be school projects, I need to do my own thing. So that's my big goal. I don't want to get overzealous and say I'm going to do 3 because honestly doing just one big one is enough for me. In the meantime, I'll be doing probably too much prep for a 100 minute test that I'm going to get a B in regardless, so wish me luck.

Also, these photos are from my tumblr. I think I only like photos that are just one color.

There are loads other photos that are really good but I couldn't fit them all in (as in couldn't really be bothered figuring out order of colors and I am done with this blog post). So go go go check it out if you want.

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