ha hahahaha

I'm a deep web of finance + final project & presentation. Really easy courseload this semester but tons of work for finance so balances out. Just realized final project is due on either Monday or Wednesday so I spent about 400 hrs so far today doing lots of little things for it BUT HOW TO PUT IT ALL IN ONE BIG THING IS THE QUESTIONS. Ugh but w/e, this is only maybe 2nd class @ Roski that makes me want to keep doing stuff like it after class ends. So net art & typography, there we have it. Anyway anyway I get to London May 16th and start the 19th & can't wait also I can't wait to be done with classes so I can do actual design work on my own because is that not the dream or what??? Wake up n do calisthenics n make coffee and food and then do design stuff I already have an idea that involves a scanner teheheee. Anyway, toodles until probably Thursday or Wednesday night!!! 

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